Today we made a SUPER easy head wrap.
We love these head wraps because not only are they easy to make, they're super adorbs. Baylee especially likes them because it's an easy fix for a bad hair day. (She wears them way too much.)
Step One. Gather fabric.
This is pretty self explanatory, friends. Get a strip of fabric, long enough to tie around your head. (We like ours long, so we do anywhere from 2.5-3 feet)
Step Two. (optional) Make the ends pointy.
We think square ends are ugly so we make them triangles. This also makes it easier to tuck the ends in if you want to knot it. (see first picture)
Step Three. Cut triangles out.
In this step, you cut the triangles out. (With scissors, love, Sarah.)
Step Four. Pin where you'll sew.
To prevent the edges of your head wrap from fraying, we're gonna sew the edges under. You take take as much as you want, depending on how thick you want the head wrap. (On ours we did about 1 in.) Repeat for both sides.
Step Five. Sew.
And there you have it.
Now you have your own little head wrap to wear. Baylee likes putting her hair up in a bun and put the wrap so it covers her hairline, and Sarah likes to leave her bangs out and wear it as a kitchy headband.
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