Thursday, July 19, 2012

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."

And we are both.

When we realized there was only a month left of summer, we decided to do something crazy. And no, we're not going skinny dipping, or having our first beer. We're throwing a party. In celebration of our fabulousness (and class.)

(oh yes. there will be grape soda.)

The details this party are yet to be determined, but of two things we are sure:

  1. It will be a black tie event.

  2. It will be classy. And fabulous.

So you can bet your bottom dollar that it'll be the party of the summer. For those of you that we actually know, you'll be recieving your invitation via mailbox. (We're that classy.) If we don't know can't come. But don't worry, there will a blog post about it. It's like you will be there in spirit.



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