Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hiatus and Face Masks

Wotcher everyone. Sorry we haven't posted in a bajillion years. Once school started we got extremely busy, which was to be expected, but we weren't exactly prepared for it. We started immediately working on our school's musical, in which Sarah was an ensemble member and Baylee was the student director. It was a really successful musical, and we both really enjoyed ourselves. However, now that it's over, we have more time to craft and experiment with things. So, to kick off the next couple months, today we did face masks. The recipe is super easy, it just requires three ingredients that most households have in their spice cabinets.

Cleansing & Scar Reducing Face Mask

1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 teaspoons of nutmeg
1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon

(this is the recipe split in half, because we did the normal recipe, and it made more than enough for the two of us. to see the original recipe, click here)

(if you're looking to reduce redness and acne scars, you can add some lemon juice. i wouldn't put too much in, probably just anywhere from 1/8-1/4 of a teaspoon)

We began by mixing the recipe together (obviously.) Once your finished, it should be sort of a pasty consistency. We actually had to add a little bit more honey, because it was doughy rather than pasty.  We then applied it generously to our faces. If you're worried about your face being sensitive to the cinnamon, apply it to your wrist first and see how much it affects you. Another tip, don't rub it into your face. This will probably make you scream because your face will be burning. Just gently spread it over your face. Once you've applied it all over, let it sit for 30 minutes. Yes, it will sting. If you're anything like Sarah, you'll complain for the whole time that it was burning your face. But, we promise, it doesn't actually burn. It itches a little for the first 10 minutes, but then you get used to it and you can just ignore it. Once the 30 minutes is up, GENTLY wipe it off your face with a washcloth and warm water. It might irritate your skin a little, because it's rubbing and scratching, but once your finished your face feels very clean, smooth, and warm. 

"So if you like rubbing sandpaper on your skin, and/or cats licking by your face, this is for you."
--Sarah on this face mask, because she's too much of a baby to endure the scratching sensation and shut up.

Anyway, that's really it! We took some pictures for you guys, because we obviously looked super adorable with this brown guck all over our faces. Enjoy!

A NOTE FROM BAYLEE: Seriously though, it's not that bad at all. I rather enjoyed the way it made my skin feel afterward, and I think I'll definitely do it again. Sarah is just a cry baby.

A NOTE FROM SARAH: Baylee just likes cats a lot, and that's why she likes it.

A NOTE FROM BAYLEE: But really, just try it.

a shout out to our idol, MIRANDA.
hearts like the fourth of july are the BIGGEST MIRFANDAS.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"Nobody cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy."

For my friend out there who is struggling and hating on the world,

"I know you feel like you are breaking down. Oh I know, it gets so hard sometimes.
Be Calm.

I had a friend who asked me, "Well what happens if you get tired of being happy?" Who gets tired of being happy? If you do, then you are doing it all wrong. If you feel like others are trying to take away your happiness, they are. Here's the thing. Don't let them. I know. Easier said then done. But no one wants to be known as the person who hates everything so you might as well try to not be that person. Some people complain and complain yet, they don't want to change. You can only change if you let yourself. But if you don't want to change, don't complain about how unhappy you are because you are bringing it upon yourself. Sometimes, I do just need to cry. I get hurt and tired and it feels good to cry. Tomorrow though, nothing that happend today will matter except for the things I learned.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sweater Vests and Duct Taped Hems

I know, it sounds trashy.
and it kinda is. but just listen to the story.

I was looking through some old clothes I was going donate, and I found this adorable cardigan I wore all the time. I was giving it away because it had some holes on the sleeves. Well, I was kind of attached to this cardigan, so I decided to keep it anyway, and just cut off the sleeves to make it a vest. This all seemed easy enough, until I found out that my mother's sewing machine is broken, so I couldn't hem it. I was really upset until I realized one thing - duct tape fixes everything. And I mean everything. So, I duct taped the hem. And, it actually worked out. So, I thought I might as well blog about it.

First, I cut off the sleeves of the cardigan. (don't cut right by the seam. Leave a little fabric to fold over and make your hem.)

Second, I turned the cardigan inside out so I could easily fold the excess fabric over. Once it was folded over, I just stuck the duct tape on.

(fabric not folded over.)

(fabric folded over.)

(fabric duct taped down, and hem formed.)

After that, I just repeated it on the other side. And then viola! You've got yourself a new sweater vest cardigan type thing.

Definitely added a little jazz to a plain black shirt and red pants.

Anyway, hope you try this out when you need a quick hem, and that it's not too trashy. :)

just baylee tonight.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No Bake Peanut Butter Bars

We have major sweet teeth.
it's really no secret.

This whole summer, we haven't made many goodies, which is really weird for us. The reason is mainly because it's so hot outside, and turning on the oven just makes it hotter. So, today we found these no bake peanut butter bars on Pinterest, but we changed the recipe a little bit to accommodate what we had, and to make it a little easier. They turned out quite delicious, so we thought we'd share. (see original recipe here)

1 1/2 cups of rolled oats
3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) of butter
1 1/2 cups of creamy peanut butter
12 oz. (1 bag) of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 TBS. of peanut butter

Combine rolled oats, powdered sugar, (melted) butter and peanut butter (the 1 1/2 cups, not the tablespoon) in a bowl. Mix well! Put in a 9x13 pan (greased)

Melt chocolate chips and tablespoon of peanut butter in a small sauce pan. Be careful not to burn it! Spread chocolate over the peanut butter mixture. Let cool in fridge.

There you've got it! We got 20 decent sized squares out of one batch.

sarah really enjoyed them. and she really likes posing, so this worked out perfectly.

Hope you like them!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Flower Rings

These flower rings were made by Baylee and her sister, and they are extremely easy to make. And to top it all off, they're adorable.

First you take the flower trinket (or anything you want for that matter) and you glue it to the ring base. Now you're done. It really is that easy. A few tips, Baylee's sister purchased the materials from a website through Artfire, but you could probably find the ring bases at any craft store. The best glue to use E-6000, which can be found at any craft store, or even Walmart. And last, you don't need a ton of glue, just make sure that it's fully dry before you wear the ring.


Boho Like Earrings

Baylee made these earrings with her sister, and they're are super cute, and super easy to make.

First, you need to purchase the earring. Baylee's sister got hers from Pick Your Plum. They're just plain wood. Next, choose some paint that you like and paint the earrings. After they're dry, take some sand paper and sand away at the corners and edges, to give them the old and worn look. Once you attach the earring part, viola! You got a new, personalized pair of earrings. We told you they were easy!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Head Wraps. Times two.

We're back for more.

Sarah sewed some more head wraps, so we now have a total of ten. (plus the three Baylee already owned.) We decided to document them, see what you think. Also, thirteen head wraps is a lot, so we thought we might take a gander at selling some. If anyone is interested, you can contact us at or, shoot Sarah a tweet at @SarahMak82. Or just comment. They're all two dollars, unless we have to mail them, then it'll be a little more. (We'll talk.) Anyway, here's the pics.

(see how to make your own here)

please note that we never claimed to be models or photographers. we understand these aren't world class photos, and it didn't help that the sun was at a super awkward angle when we went out. you should just be happy we put makeup on.

Brown with White Polka Dots.

Sage/Mint/Pastely Lime Green

Red with Small Blue, Loving Flowers.

Purple with Flowers

(baylee's favorite)
White with Red Rose and Green Things.

Blue with Flowers.

Dark Green with Multi-Colored Flowers.

Tan with White Things.

White with Grandma Roses.

Hope you like them. If not...oh well.



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Angsty Bathroom Cleaning.


Hey friends. Sorry there's been no postage from either me or Sarah. Things have been
crazy. We've been meaning to post more head wraps Sarah made, but have been pushing it aside due to family activities and illnesses. I thought I'd drop in with a little too doo lou, in case anyone actually reads this.

Today was a bathroom cleaning day. And I wasn't even asked. My mind has been buzzing with song lyrics, and I needed to sing them all whilst scrubbing at my bathtub with Soft Scrub. I love song lyrics. They are the help that we never asked for, yet so desperately needed. They are the friend that can never leave, and with one push of a button, their shoulder is right there to cry on. They are our thoughts and feelings said so much more creatively and correctly than we could ever portray. May I?

(a lot of you smart cookies probably noticed that our blog title is inspired from a fun. song. they're kinda the kings of great lyrics. which is why the majority of these are also from fun. songs.)

"I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked...
...and here they come again to jack my style."
some nights. fun.

"Why haven't you been there for me?
Can't you see, I'm losing my mind,
(this time i think it's for real.)"
be calm. fun.

"Yeah, it's all alright,
I guess it's all alright...
I've got nothing left inside my chest,
but it's all alright."
all aright. fun.

There's a thought so how 'bout this...
Let's pretend that both our lips are made of candy...
...after all, we need sweets every now and then..."
don't you. darren criss

"My heart's breaking for my sister,
And that con that she called love...
Then I look into my nephew's eyes...
Man, you won't believe the most amazing things,
that can come from some terrible nights."
some nights. fun.

"I'm scared that everyone is out to get me."
be calm. fun.

"Some nights I wish this all would end,
'cause I could use some friends for a change."
some nights. fun.

"Well, all this glitter's gettin' dark,
there's concrete growin' in the city park,
I don't know who my neighbors are,
and there's bars on the corners,
and bars on my heart."
where the green grass grows. tim mcgraw

"I feel like an artist,
whose lost his touch...
He likes himself in his art,
but not his art too much."
human. darren criss

Alright friends, thanks for that. I'm out now.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."

And we are both.

When we realized there was only a month left of summer, we decided to do something crazy. And no, we're not going skinny dipping, or having our first beer. We're throwing a party. In celebration of our fabulousness (and class.)

(oh yes. there will be grape soda.)

The details this party are yet to be determined, but of two things we are sure:

  1. It will be a black tie event.

  2. It will be classy. And fabulous.

So you can bet your bottom dollar that it'll be the party of the summer. For those of you that we actually know, you'll be recieving your invitation via mailbox. (We're that classy.) If we don't know can't come. But don't worry, there will a blog post about it. It's like you will be there in spirit.



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Head Wraps

Today we made a SUPER easy head wrap.

We love these head wraps because not only are they easy to make, they're super adorbs. Baylee especially likes them because it's an easy fix for a bad hair day. (She wears them way too much.)

Step One. Gather fabric.
This is pretty self explanatory, friends. Get a strip of fabric, long enough to tie around your head. (We like ours long, so we do anywhere from 2.5-3 feet)

Step Two. (optional) Make the ends pointy.
We think square ends are ugly so we make them triangles. This also makes it easier to tuck the ends in if you want to knot it. (see first picture)

Step Three. Cut triangles out.
In this step, you cut the triangles out. (With scissors, love, Sarah.)

Step Four. Pin where you'll sew.
To prevent the edges of your head wrap from fraying, we're gonna sew the edges under. You take take as much as you want, depending on how thick you want the head wrap. (On ours we did about 1 in.) Repeat for both sides.

Step Five. Sew.

And there you have it.
Now you have your own little head wrap to wear. Baylee likes putting her hair up in a bun and put the wrap so it covers her hairline, and Sarah likes to leave her bangs out and wear it as a kitchy headband.