Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hiatus and Face Masks

Wotcher everyone. Sorry we haven't posted in a bajillion years. Once school started we got extremely busy, which was to be expected, but we weren't exactly prepared for it. We started immediately working on our school's musical, in which Sarah was an ensemble member and Baylee was the student director. It was a really successful musical, and we both really enjoyed ourselves. However, now that it's over, we have more time to craft and experiment with things. So, to kick off the next couple months, today we did face masks. The recipe is super easy, it just requires three ingredients that most households have in their spice cabinets.

Cleansing & Scar Reducing Face Mask

1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 teaspoons of nutmeg
1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon

(this is the recipe split in half, because we did the normal recipe, and it made more than enough for the two of us. to see the original recipe, click here)

(if you're looking to reduce redness and acne scars, you can add some lemon juice. i wouldn't put too much in, probably just anywhere from 1/8-1/4 of a teaspoon)

We began by mixing the recipe together (obviously.) Once your finished, it should be sort of a pasty consistency. We actually had to add a little bit more honey, because it was doughy rather than pasty.  We then applied it generously to our faces. If you're worried about your face being sensitive to the cinnamon, apply it to your wrist first and see how much it affects you. Another tip, don't rub it into your face. This will probably make you scream because your face will be burning. Just gently spread it over your face. Once you've applied it all over, let it sit for 30 minutes. Yes, it will sting. If you're anything like Sarah, you'll complain for the whole time that it was burning your face. But, we promise, it doesn't actually burn. It itches a little for the first 10 minutes, but then you get used to it and you can just ignore it. Once the 30 minutes is up, GENTLY wipe it off your face with a washcloth and warm water. It might irritate your skin a little, because it's rubbing and scratching, but once your finished your face feels very clean, smooth, and warm. 

"So if you like rubbing sandpaper on your skin, and/or cats licking by your face, this is for you."
--Sarah on this face mask, because she's too much of a baby to endure the scratching sensation and shut up.

Anyway, that's really it! We took some pictures for you guys, because we obviously looked super adorable with this brown guck all over our faces. Enjoy!

A NOTE FROM BAYLEE: Seriously though, it's not that bad at all. I rather enjoyed the way it made my skin feel afterward, and I think I'll definitely do it again. Sarah is just a cry baby.

A NOTE FROM SARAH: Baylee just likes cats a lot, and that's why she likes it.

A NOTE FROM BAYLEE: But really, just try it.

a shout out to our idol, MIRANDA.
hearts like the fourth of july are the BIGGEST MIRFANDAS.

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